Under the statewide direction of the Florida Supreme Court, the Honorable Bertila Soto, Chief Judge of the Miami-Dade Courts, has established active case management protocols for County and Circuit Civil cases.
In every eligible existing case and all new County and Circuit Civil cases, attorneys and litigants will be required to report on the status of their cases by submitting a Case Management Report and obtaining a Case Management Order from the presiding judge. This process is being put in place across the state as the judicial branch puts its long range plan to implement case management into action.
The Case Management Order will establish a schedule to progress the case to resolution, and continuances (requests for postponement of a court proceeding) will be granted only when good cause is shown.
The protocols are outlined in detail in Administrative Orders (AOs) 21-08 and 21-09, downloadable below. Attorneys and self-represented litigants planning to file or currently involved in County and Circuit Civil cases are urged to review these AOs carefully.
Active case management protocols were established following the directives of Florida Supreme Court Administrative Order AOSC 20-23 Amendment 12.
The Miami-Dade Courts continue to operate under Phase 2 COVID-19 Emergency Operations until further notice.
Please visit our website www.jud11.flcourts.org and social media @miamidadecourts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram for future updates.
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The mission of Florida’s judicial branch is to protect rights and liberties, uphold and interpret the law, and provide for the peaceful resolution of disputes.
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