Thursday, February 6, 2025
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COVID-19 Advisory #6: All Courthouse Facilities Closed March 17-27 Except for Mission Critical Court Matters


The Honorable Bertila Soto, Chief Judge of the Miami-Dade Courts, issued an Administrative Order on Monday implementing the courts' Continuity of Operations Plans and closing all court facilities to the public except for access required for emergency or mission critical court matters.

The closure will be in effect from Tuesday, March 17, through Friday, March 27.

All court employees that have the capability to work remotely from home will do so.

Mission-critical court matters include:

  • First Appearances (Bond Hearings)
  • Arraignment hearings for in-custody defendants will be heard, but the defendant's presence is not needed. If there is a written plea, the case will be set for trial. If there is no written plea, the arraignment hearing will be reset.
  • Baker Act & Marchman Act (substance abuse) Hearings
  • Juvenile Shelter and Detention Hearings
  • Filing of Emergency Petitions for Temporary Injunctions (domestic violence, dating, stalking, repeat and sexual violence and risk protection orders)

     Note:  All hearings on final injunctions pursuant to F.S. 741, 784 and 790 will be canceled and re-scheduled to a future date. All temporary injunctions will be extended and  will remain in full force and effect until the next hearing date.

  • Emergency Hearings set by presiding Judge
  • All previously-scheduled court proceedings other than those mentioned above will be reset to a future date.
  • Trials that were underway before the Florida Supreme Court issued Administrative Order 20-13  on March 13 will continue.

The two-week closure may be extended based on guidance from health and government authorities and in coordination with the Florida Supreme Court. Future updates will be provided as needed.

Please continue to monitor the Eleventh Circuit's website at www.jud11.flcourts.org and social media @miamidadecourts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

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The mission of Florida’s judicial branch is to protect rights and liberties, uphold and interpret the law, and provide for the peaceful resolution of disputes.


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