Type: Open
Notice Before Hearing: 3 Business Days
Files at Hearing: Electronic
ALL MOTION CALENDAR hearings will be heard through
ZOOM MEETING ID: 305 349 7074
Link: https://zoom.us/j/3053497074
By phone: Call +1-786- 635-1003, type in Meeting ID 305-349-7074, followed by the # sign
Judicial Assistant- Hanh Nguyen: Hnguyen@Jud11.flcourts.org
Coordination of Hearings: Hearings shall be “coordinated” with all counsel and unrepresented parties. “Coordinated” means that the moving party offers a date upon service of the motion and all others respond within one (1) business day with agreement to the offered date or an alternate date(s) that is/are within a week of the offered date and is on a date that the Court holds Motion Calendar.
Failure to “coordinate” entitles the moving party to set the motion for hearing on the offered date. Amount of Motions: You may set more than one motion (max 2) if they are directly related, but your case will be heard at the end of the motion calendar. Notices of Hearing: Although the movant and the parties listed on the service list at the time the hearing is set will receive an Email from courtMAP indicating that an event has been created, a notice of hearing WILL NOT be generated. The movant MUST e-file the notice of hearing via the e-portal system. It is the responsibility of the scheduling party to provide the Zoom information to anyone not on the service list, including parties to be served via physical mail. Cancellations: To cancel a motion calendar hearing, Parties are required to do the following: 1. Parties MUST NOTIFY the Judicial Assistant via email including ALL parties 2. File a Notice of Cancellation (notice shall include the date/time of hearing, and Docket entry numbers of motions) 3. The moving party can proceed to cancel the motion calendar hearing on courtMAP. NO HEARING WILL BE CANCELLED VIA PHONE CALL.
Motion for Continuances must comply with Fl. R. Civ. P. 1.460. If both sides agree on a Continuance of Trial, please submit an agreed order though CourtMap with new trial date and send an email to the Judicial Assistant with a copy of the signed order to get a new order setting trial.
Responses: Any opposition to a filed Motion MUST be filed, served, uploaded to courtMAP and emailed to the parties, no later than 5 business days prior to the date of the hearing, absent which the relief requested in the Motion may be granted without hearing. Motions to Dismiss: When setting a Motion to Dismiss for hearing, you MUST upload the Motion and the Complaint as supporting documents to the Courtmap hearing date. Motions to dismiss MUST be set for hearing within 45 days of being filed. Failure to set the Motion to Dismiss for hearing shall result in the Court striking the motion and entering a default. Motions for Reconsideration/Rehearing: are NOT to be set for hearing, these motions MUST be E-Filed and e-mailed to the Judicial Assistant for the Judge’s review.
No hard copies nor binders are necessary.
To Make Calendar: You must schedule through courtMAP: https://cmap.jud11.flcourts.org/ebench/ Select available date and time via courtMap. The filed motion(s) and all documents in support must be attached when the hearing is scheduled. Once a green "Success" message appears, the hearing has made calendar. You must still prepare, file, and serve a Notice of Hearing to ALL PARTIES relevant to the case.
To confirm that your hearing is on calendar, please visit the clerk of the Courts' website at: https://www2.miami-dadeclerk.com/ocs/search.aspx and check by the case number or visit courtMAP, enter the case number and go to the “case hearings” tab.
Please be aware that certain items are prohibited on courthouse premises. If any listed prohibited item is detected to be in your possession when entering a court facility, you will be asked to exit the facility to secure the item elsewhere or dispose of it, before being allowed entry into the facility.