#TeamJud11 partnered with Nova Southeastern University today on a refresher course for the Miami-Dade Courts family on the importance of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and its application in court settings.
The internal workshop was hosted by Judge Linda Singer Stein and is part of a series of continuing education programs for #TeamJud11 judges and staff.
Guest speakers were: Professor Matthew Dietz of the Disability Inclusion and Advocacy Law Clinic at the Shepard Broad College of Law at Nova Southeastern University, and our very own #TeamJud11 ADA Coordinator Ms. Shoun Simpkins.
Thank you, Professor Dietz and Ms. Simpkins for sharing your knowledge and insight on this very important topic.
ADA Resources:
ADA Coordinator
Voice Mail: (305) 349-7175
TDD: (305) 349-7174
Fax No: (305) 349-7355
Email: ADA@jud11.flcourts.org
DIAL Clinic: 954-262-6063