The Honorable Stanford Blake retired on 8/31/16 after 22 years of service and devotion to the people of Miami-Dade County, and will be greatly missed by all at the Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida.
Two groups of Nigerian court administrators and managers visited the Miami-Dade Courts recently for human resources training.
Judges from Egypt visit the Eleventh Judicial Circuit to learn about e-filing and the U.S. legal system.
The Honorable Scott Bernstein was sworn in recently as statewide chair of the Florida Conference of Circuit Judges.
The Honorable Victoria Del Pino was sworn in as Secretary of the Florida Conference of County Judges.
Judge Carlos Gamez welcomed Cub Scout Pack 16 to his courtroom this past Thursday.
The Scouts had the opportunity to ask questions about the courts and take a small tour to see how it all works.
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