The Family Division Case Management Unit was developed in response to the Family Court judges need for support with their voluminous caseloads and increasing number of self-represented litigants filing. The primary function of the Unit is to act as a liaison between the Judiciary, the Clerk's office, social services and the public in general. The attorney Case Managers track and monitor all domestic relations cases to ensure compliance with statutory requirements. Case Managers read pleadings for legal sufficiency and direct the case to the next appropriate event. Case Managers also attend hearings, assist the judiciary by structuring and drafting orders, and monitor the terms and conditions of court orders and social service referrals. Additionally, the Unit holds on-going meetings, host panel discussions, and conducts legal research in an effort to stay abreast of current issues and programs relevant to family law.
If you wish to speak with a case manager, please contact the Family Case Management Unit at 305-349-5561.
If you are an attorney and wish to calendar an Uncontested Divorce Calendar (UCD) case at one of the branch court, please call 305-349-6048.
If you wish to inquire about a case on the Transfer Calendar, please call 305-349-5891.