Monday, January 13, 2025
About the CourtCourt DivisionsTraffic


Traffic Court

Essential information is contained on both sides of your traffic ticket - read it carefully to determine what type of violation you are charged with, how you can respond to the ticket, whether a court hearing is required, and what your rights are, among other things. The penalties you may receive and what you must do to resolve your traffic case vary depending on whether yours was a civil traffic infraction or criminal traffic case.

Programs and Services

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Civil Traffic Infractions

Civil Traffic cases for both moving and non-moving traffic violations are heard by Hearing Officers. Excluded are accidents with injuries and all criminal traffic offenses.

Criminal Traffic Cases

Criminal traffic cases [Driving While Under the Influence (DUI); Driving While License Suspended (DWLS), reckless driving, etc.] are more serious than civil infractions and require a court hearing.
steering wheel flat icon with green background

Drive Legal Program

The program enables violators with a suspended driver’s license to be removed from collection agencies and pay off fines through community service, reducing the amount of court costs to be paid, in order to obtain a valid driver’s license.
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Online Case Resolution

Connect from anywhere, any time! Avoid traffic, no need to miss work or school, no waiting in long lines. Just upload required documents online using any internet-connected device - cell phone, tablet, or personal computer.
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