Thursday, February 6, 2025

Judicial Section Details

Angélica D. Zayas

  • Division: Circuit Unified Children's Court
  • Section: FCJ 103
  • Court Location: MDC Children's Courthouse
  • Address: 155 N.W. 3rd ST Miami, FL 33128
  • Phone: (305) 679-1758
  • Room: MDCC 14328
  • Judicial Assistant: Tortalita, Leticia

Coronavirus/COVID-19: Courthouses are closed for in-person hearings and trials based on public health advisories at the direction of the Florida Supreme Court. The Eleventh Judicial Circuit wants you safe at home. We are establishing Virtual Courtrooms. Court hearings in your case that we can hold remotely via video or phone conference will be held on the Zoom platform, which is free to you. You will receive an email from the Court if we are proceeding with your hearing with the information you need to connect. To participate by video, you must click on the weblink you received in the email invitation at the time your hearing is scheduled or call the phone number listed in the invitation to participate by phone. You do not need to download anything or set up an account in order for you to participate in a zoom hearing. Video appearance is required for any participant whose testimony is necessary so the judge can administer the oath. Please wait until a day before your scheduled hearing for the court to send you an email containing a Zoom link and instructions. If you resolve your matter, please cancel  by calling the judge’s judicial assistant.
  • Bachelors of Arts, University of Miami, 1985 - Graduated Cum Laude
  • JD, University of Miami, 1985 - Graduated Cum Laude
  • Admitted to Florida Bar, 1989
  • State of Florida, Department of Legal Affaris, Office of the Attorney General, Assistant Attorney General, 1989 - 1996
  • Assistant State Attorney, 1996 - 2011
  • Circuit Court Judge, 2011 - Present
Caballero, B Marcia FC 202, D 202, J 202, D 011, J 011, FCJ 011 MDCC 14346305-679-1750
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