Welcome to Judge Alicia Garcia Priovolos webpage. Judge Garcia Priovolos presides over Criminal Domestic Violence cases and Civil Injunction cases. Please read below for answers to commonly asked questions: CONTACT INFORMATION Judicial Assistant: Paula Lopez, palopez@jud11.flcourts.org Bailiff / Court Specialist: Alvaro Puente, apuente@jud11.flcourts.org Chambers Telephone: (305) 349-5674 ZOOM Meeting ID is: 925 8335 4538 (for Criminal and Civil matters). M89 CRIMINAL CASES - DOMESTIC VIOLENCE DIVISION
*Please see comment section for calendar information. IF YOU ARE THE LISTED VICTIM ON A CRIMINAL CASE AND WISH TO HAVE CONTACT WITH THE DEFENDANT OR WISH FOR THE STATE TO DROP CHARGES, PLEASE CONTACT THE STATE ATTORNEY’S OFFICE AT (305) 349-5830. The court cannot dismiss charges or modify a condition of release without a proper legal motion. Motions can only be filed by a party in the case, and all parties must be present in court for the motion to be heard.
Please be aware that although the Courthouse is now open, we are still mindful about in-person contact. Therefore, many of our hearings will be conducted via Zoom. Hearings that require the submission of evidence or are non-jury trials, will be conducted in person. All jury trials will be conducted in person.
We have established Virtual Courtrooms. Court hearings in your case will be held remotely via video on the Zoom platform, which is free to you. Video appearance is required for any participant whose testimony is necessary so the judge can administer the oath. Zoom ID for Civil Injunction Hearings, Evidentiary Hearings, Soundings, Arraignments and Motions Calendar is: 925 8335 4538
If you wish for the judge to see or hear any physical evidence such as pictures, videos, text messages, receipts, etc., and your hearing is on: ZOOM - Send all evidence to DV53@jud11.flcourts.org at least two (2) business days prior to your hearing date. Please include your case number in the subject line of your email. You are always welcome to call the judge’s judicial assistant to confirm your email was received. IN PERSON – Bring with you to the courthouse all the evidence you intend to present during the hearing. Evidence must be printed out or be placed on a USB device. If your evidence is on a USB device, you must also bring a computer to play/display the evidence that is on the USB device. Please note the judge will not review any evidence until the final hearing has commenced. All evidence which a party is seeking to introduce must be in English or translated into English.
RESPONDENT FIREARM AFFIDAVIT If you are a respondent and received a temporary or final injunction against you, you must fill out a Firearm Affidavit form describing any and all firearms and ammunition in your possession, and email the form to the Clerk at DVMotions@jud11.flcourts.org. Please include your case number and your name in the subject line of the email. The link to the Firearm Affidavit is on this webpage under the DOCS tab, which is located on the top right hand side of this page. FINAL INJUNCTION HEARINGS If you received a Notice of Hearing for a FINAL INJUNCTION HEARING, please read all the instructions on your notice of hearing and injunction packet. Your notice of hearing will tell you if your injunction hearing will be conducted IN PERSON at the Lawson E. Thomas Courthouse, OR via ZOOM. Final injunction hearings are TRIALS. Please bring all witnesses and evidence you wish to present to your final injunction hearing. If you do not have access to ZOOM, there are computers in the courthouse you may use. Please contact the judge’s chambers at least two (2) business days before your hearing day, and they will assist you with setting up at the courthouse computers. If you need additional time to hire an attorney or need additional time to have your witnesses and evidence ready, please inform the court upon your case being called.
Please be aware that certain items are prohibited on courthouse premises. If any listed prohibited item is detected to be in your possession when entering a court facility, you will be asked to exit the facility to secure the item elsewhere or dispose of it, before being allowed entry into the facility.