Judicial Assistant's e-mail:
You may be required to attend your hearing via a virtual Zoom courtroom. In order to access Zoom, you will need a smartphone or computer/laptop with video capability AND you must register with Zoom. Please be sure to follow ALL the instructions you receive. For all Zoom hearings, video and audio appearance is required for all participants unless otherwise indicated by the Judge. Participants (excluding attorneys representing a party) must have a photo ID to show the bailiff at the time of check-in. Please log on 10-15 minutes prior to your hearing time and make sure your device is fully charged. It is your responsibility to provide the Zoom information to any other witnesses that you want to testify in your case. Also, you must be alone in a room or an office during the entire hearing or with your attorney. Minors may NOT appear at any hearing without the Judge's permission.
If you are unable to access Zoom, please contact the Judicial Assistant immediately once you receive your notice to make alternative arrangements.
Pursuant to Rule 2.450, Florida Rules of Judicial Administration, any electronic and still photography of court proceedings is allowed subject to the authority and approval of the presiding judge. As such, any electronic photography, still photography or any recording requires the prior written approval of Judge Cannava. Any requests may be made by filing an appropriate motion by e-mailing BELOW IS A LIST OF ZOOM MEETING IDS FOR JUDGE CANNAVA'S HEARING ROOMS. THIS LIST IS PROVIDED SO THE PUBLIC MAY ACCESS ANY HEARING OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. PLEASE DO NOT CHECK INTO ANY OF THE BELOW ROOMS UNLESS YOU HAVE RECEIVED NOTICE TO DO SO OR HAVE VERIFIED THE CASE YOU ARE OBSERVING. Civil Injunctions Prehearing Room - Zoom Meeting ID 929 8116 0628 JRC Calendar [Thursdays only at 9:30AM] – Zoom Meeting ID 933 2705 2628 DV Drug Court [CRIMINAL CASES] – [Thursdays at 10:30AM and Fridays at 10AM - IN PERSON] DV Drug Court [CIVIL CASES] – [Thursdays & Fridays at 11 AM - IN PERSON]
Lawson E. Thomas Courthouse Center: 175 NW 1st Ave, Miami, FL 33128
Courtroom 2C
Motions may be filed with the Domestic Violence Clerk of Courts, by sending an e-mail at Please include your case number in the subject line.
If you have a Domestic Violence Arrest Warrant that was issued by Judge Cannava, please contact the Advocate Program (305-704-0200) regarding your compliance. If you would like to have the arrest warrant set aside, please file the appropriate motion by e-mailing
Parties may submit evidence for the Court to review by sending their evidence via e-mail to You may contact the Judicial Assistant to confirm the evidence has been received. Please note the Judge does not review any evidence until the final hearing.
Additional services:
Dade County Legal Aid:
Community Action and Human Services Department Violence Prevention and Intervention Division Coordinated Victims Assistance Center (CVAC): 305-285-5900
Family Self Help Desk:
¡POR FAVOR LEA CUIDADOSAMENTE SU AVISO PARA PRESENTARSE! INFORMACIÓN DEL CONTACTO: Correo electrónico de la Asistente Jurídica: Es posible que tenga que asistir a su audiencia a través de una sala virtual de Zoom. Para acceder a Zoom, necesitará un teléfono inteligente o una computadora/portátil con capacidad de video y debe registrarse previamente. Asegúrese de seguir TODAS las instrucciones que reciba. Para todas las audiencias por Zoom, se requiere la comparecencia en video y audio de todos los participantes, a menos que el Juez indique lo contrario. Los participantes (excluyendo los abogados que representan a los litigantes) deben tener una identificación con fotografía para mostrársela al alguacil en el momento del registro. Inicie su sesión de 10 a 15 minutos antes de la hora estipulada de su audiencia y asegúrese de que su dispositivo esté completamente cargado. Es su responsabilidad proporcionar la información de Zoom a cualquier otro testigo que usted desee que testifique en su caso. Además, debe estar solo en una habitación o en una oficina durante toda la audiencia, o con su abogado. Los menores de edad NO podrán presentarse a ninguna audiencia sin el permiso del Juez. Si no puede acceder al enlace de Zoom, comuníquese con la Asistente Jurídica inmediatamente una vez que reciba su aviso para hacer arreglos alternativos. Conforme a la Regla 2.450, Reglas de Administración Judicial de Florida, cualquier fotografía digital y analógica de los procedimientos judiciales está permitida sujeta a la autorización y aprobación del juez que preside. Como tal, cualquier fotografía electrónica, fija o cualquier grabación requiere la aprobación previa por escrito del Juez Cannava. Cualquier solicitud puede realizarse presentando una moción apropiada vía correo electrónico a A CONTINUACIÓN, LE MOSTRAMOS UNA LISTA DE LAS IDENTIFICACIONES CORRESPONDIENTES A LAS REUNIONES POR ZOOM PARA LAS SALAS DE AUDIENCIA DEL JUEZ CANNAVA. ESTA LISTA SE PROPORCIONA PARA CUALQUIER AUDIENCIA ABIERTA AL PÚBLICO. POR FAVOR NO SE REGISTRE EN NINGUNA DE LAS SALAS A MENOS QUE HAYA RECIBIDO NOTIFICACION PARA HACERLO O HAYA VERIFICADO EL CASO QUE ESTÁ OBSERVANDO. Sala de Pre-Audiencia de Amparos Civiles -ID de Reunión por Zoom 929 8116 0628
Calendario JRC [solo los jueves a las 9:30 a. m.] - ID de Reunión por Zoom 933 2705 2628 Tribunal de Tratamiento de DV [CASOS PENALES] – [jueves a las 10:30 a. m. y viernes a las 10 a. m. - EN PERSONA] Tribunal de Tratamiento de DV [CASOS CIVILES] – [jueves y viernes a las 11 a.m. - EN PERSONA]
Please be aware that certain items are prohibited on courthouse premises. If any listed prohibited item is detected to be in your possession when entering a court facility, you will be asked to exit the facility to secure the item elsewhere or dispose of it, before being allowed entry into the facility.