Thursday, February 13, 2025

Social Investigation Program

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The Social Investigation Program of the 11th Judicial Circuit runs under the auspices of the Family Court Services Unit. In Miami-Dade County, the judges makes the final determination regarding the parenting plans of the child(ren), including the time-sharing process of the parents. When the court requires further information in order to make the most appropriate decisions for the child(ren), the judge or general magistrate may order that a social investigation (home study) be completed. The social investigation is a process performed by an impartial mental health professional who is qualified to provide the court, the parties, and the parties’ attorneys with a thorough report addressing the best interests of the child(ren).

The Family Court Services Social Investigation Program assigns, coordinates, and monitors these cases for the court through the completion of the consultant’s report, which includes recommendations to the court regarding the initial determination of parenting time, modification of parenting time, assessment of parental home environments, and shared/sole parental responsibility.

For further information contact the
Social Investigation Program Coordinator at Family Court Services at 305-349-5508.

Click on Family Court Services for additional information.
Click on MDC Administrative Order No. 03-15 for additional information.
Click on Order of Referral to the Social Investigation Program of Family Court Services for additional information.

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