Sunday, January 12, 2025

Court Reporting Services

Frequently Asked Questions

AOC Request

Request Audio File

Official Court Reporting Firms
(Courtroom Assignments)

Request for Proposal (RFP)

The Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida (“Court”), through a Request for Proposals (“RFP # 2024-01”), seeks proposals from qualified entities (“Proposers”) to provide court reporting services, funded at public expense, for certain court proceedings in and for the Court, effective July 1, 2024.

Proposers must meet the minimum qualifications and perform the scope of work as set forth in the RFP. Such work will include but is not limited to stenographic and/or digital court reporting services in the Circuit and County Criminal Divisions of the Court, Unified Childrens Court and other Court divisions as assigned.

The Request for Proposals is available here. Deadline for receipt of proposals has been extended to Monday, April 22, 2024, at 5:00 p.m.

judges gravel lays on table next to computer keyboard and mouse

The Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida provides court reporting services in our Circuit Criminal, County Criminal, Unified Children's Court; Parties in the Circuit Civil and County Civil divisions are responsible for hiring private reporters when necessary.

In the due process areas of the Probate (Mental Health), Family (Domestic Violence hearings), Domestic Violence (Civil), Child Support Title IV-D, and all Magistrate proceedings (Circuit Civil, Family, Adult Marchman Petition and Baker Act) are recorded in-house (Administrative Office of the Courts) since September 2022. Other court proceedings such as Circuit Civil, County Civil, and most Family hearings are responsible for hiring private reporters when necessary.

Court reporting is the process of taking a “word for word” record of everything said during a legal proceeding. Court reporters produce an accurate record of what was said during a legal proceeding, which, under law, becomes the official record of these events. The typewritten record of the proceeding is called a transcript and with the exception of certain confidential matters, transcriptions are obtainable. Chapter 286.011, Florida Statutes.


Types of Court Reporting

  • Stenographic: Court reporters type everything that is said using a special machine that produces a form of shorthand on a paper tape. The speed needed to take down every word is achieved when keys are pressed, either separately or at the same time, to designate words and phrases.
  • Digital electronic court reporting: The spoken word is recorded onto computer and can be extracted by copying onto a server, a flash drive, a compact disc (CD) and other means. A trained professional continuously listens to what is being recorded to ensure sound quality and voice clarity. Detailed notes identifying who is speaking and other important information are used to produce a transcript, when requested.
  • Real-time court reporting: An advanced method in which a court reporter "types" the record and almost simultaneously (in real time), it is displayed on one or more computer screens. In this circuit, real-time reporting is generally used when persons under the Americans with Disabilities Act are in need of such technology.


First Appearance/ Bond Hearings

The Administrative Office of the Courts provides copies of First Appearance hearings for Felony and Misdemeanor cases. These requests can only be made using this link Video Recording Request. If you have any questions regarding this service, please contact 305-548-5767.


To Obtain a Transcript

In the Eleventh Judicial Circuit, private firms contracted with the circuit are used to provide court reporting services including transcripts. Audio files recorded in-house can be provided to these contracted firms to obtain a transcript. However, the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) – Court Reporting Services (CRS) does not provide transcript services.

Transcript requests can be made to these contracted firms directly if they covered those court hearings. You can find out what contracted firm corresponds by reviewing the courtroom assignment listed by years. Transcript request that are ordered by third parties or by parties that do not wish to utilize a current court reporting firm for transcription, must have the audio file reviewed by the Office of the General Council for possible redaction (may incur an additional expense).

  1. Two years from the date of preparing the transcript.
  2. Ten years for judicial proceedings in felony cases when a transcript has not been prepared.
  3. Five years for all other judicial proceedings, arbitration hearings and discovery proceedings when a transcript has not been prepared.


Official Court Reporting Firms of The Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida

To view an assignment, select a year below, then click "View".


Circuit and County Criminal Divisions


Juvenile (dependency and delinquency divisions), Unified Children’s Court

  • Court proceedings: Absolute Digital, Inc.: (305) 379-4741


Domestic Violence (Civil)

  • CourtScribes: (833) 727-4237


Probate (Mental Health), Family (Domestic Violence hearings), Domestic Violence (Civil), Child Support

Title IV-D, and all Magistrate proceedings (Circuit Civil, Family, Adult Marchman Petition and Baker Act)

  • AOC/CRS see AOC Audio Request Form.
  • To request a transcript please contact one of the court reporting firms listed above.


Florida Statutes Governing Court Reporting (include but are not limited to the below) Section 25.383 (Standards for Court Reporters) Section 27.0061 (Transcripts in Criminal Cases) Section 90.108(2) (Transcripts as Prima Facie Evidence) Section 839.24 (Penalty for Failure to Perform) Section 905.26 and 905.27 (Governing Grand Jury Proceedings)


Rules of Judicial Administration Rules 2. 215; Rule 2.535; Rule 2.2430(e)


Rules of Appellate Procedure Rule 9.200 (Requirements for the Appellate Record)


Court Reporting Services Contact

For audio file request inquiries: DCRrequestform@jud11.flcourts.org
Phone: 305-679-1689
Hours of operation are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday excluding court holidays.
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