Monday, January 20, 2025

Frequently Asked Questions for Translation and Interpretation Division


QWhat is the role of a spoken language court interpreter? 
A spoken language court interpreter precisely and thoroughly interprets verbal communications to and from English and the target language during court or court-related proceedings.  An interpreter does not provide legal advice, serve as an advocate, or perform clerical functions for the party requiring the interpreter’s services.
QWhat is the difference between a court interpreter and a translator?
A court interpreter provides spoken language court interpreting services during a court or court-related proceeding.  A translator converts written text from one language to written text in another language.
QCan court interpreters reveal privileged or confidential information which is learned while interpreting on a case?
ANo. The Florida Rules for Certification and Regulation of Spoken Language Court Interpreters states: “interpreters shall protect the confidentiality of all privileged and other confidential information.  Furthermore, interpreters shall not publicly discuss, report, or offer an opinion concerning a matter in which they are or have been engaged, even when that information is not privileged or required by law to be confidential.”  As officers of the court, interpreters are held to a high standard of professional conduct and code of ethics.
QWhat are the primary non-English languages interpreted in Miami-Dade County?

The majority of interpretations are rendered in Spanish and Haitian Creole, followed by Russian, French, Mandarin, and Portuguese.

QWhat are the qualifications for serving as a court interpreter for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida? 
Graduation from an accredited college or university with a bachelor’s degree in English, the source language, or a closely related field. Additional relevant experience may substitute for the recommended educational level on a year to year basis. Additionally, the applicant must be certified or provisionally approved as a court interpreter in the state of Florida in compliance with the requirements set forth by the Office of the State Courts Administrator. Please note these requirements are subject to change.  For updated information regarding the requirements, please visit: http://www.flcourts.org/resources-and-services/court-services/court-interpreting/prospective-court-interpreters.stml
QHow do I request an interpreter for my court proceeding?
To request an interpreter for a court proceeding, please click here.
QWho do I contact if I need a sign language interpreter or I am a person with a disability who needs assistance to participate in a court proceeding, program, or service?
Please click here.
QIf I requested an Interpreter for my hearing but I need to cancel, what is the cancellation policy?
If you submitted a request by using one of the forms on our website (see above links) and need to cancel, please know that you need to email original contact with as much notice as possible.  For Spanish requests, 24 hours is sufficient notice.  However, when we have to contract with other agencies for languages other than Spanish, some agencies require 48 hours or 72 hours notice.  Agencies that provide American Sign Language Interpreters require 48 hours notice.
QWhat are the address, telephone number and hours of operation?
The main office is located at:
Department of Translation and Interpretation
Richard E. Gerstein Justice Building
1351 N.W. 12th Street, Room 630
Miami, Florida 33125
(305) 548-5352. 
Hours of operation are from 8:00 AM until 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday, excluding Court holidays.
QWho do I contact if I am a person with a disability who needs assistance to participate in a court proceeding, program or service?
Please contact ADA Coordinator, at:
TDD: (305) 349-7174
Fax No:  (305) 349-7355
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