Friday, February 14, 2025
Programs and ServicesOnline ServicescourtMAPcourtMAP FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions for courtMAP

QWho can access courtMAP?

Attorneys, paralegals/secretaries and self-represented litigants can register and use courtMAP. The registration process is similar to the process in Broward/17th Circuit.

Please refer to the training videos and user manual for instructions on how to register as an Attorney, Paralegal/Secretary or a Self-Represented Litigant. 

QWhy can’t I access courtMAP?

Below are common reasons why you may be unable to access courtMAP.

  1. Incomplete Registration: You must verify your account by clicking on the activation link sent to the primary email address provided to complete registration.
  2. Invalid Username and/or Password: Ensure you are entering the correct credentials. Click on the forgot username/password link to recover credentials.
  3. Florida Bar Account Issues: If you are an attorney or a paralegal for an attorney, ensure the attorney’s status with the Florida Bar is in good standing. Attorneys are unable to access courtMAP if not in good standing with the Florida Bar. You must correct the status directly with the Florida Bar. Once corrected, you will need to wait until 12:00 pm the following day to access courtMAP.
QWhat can I do in courtMAP?

courtMAP allows the following functions:

  • Self-Schedule Motion Calendar, Special Sets and Trials
  • Submit Proposed/Agreed Orders with supporting materials
  • Submit supporting documents to a scheduled hearing
  • View your upcoming scheduled hearings
  • Submit an Emergency Motion
Please note: Only those parties on the service list at the time the hearing was scheduled will be able to attach documents after a hearing is scheduled.
QCan I use my eCourtesy account to access courtMAP?

No, the eCourtesy account cannot be used to access courtMAP. You will need to create a new account.

QWhat browsers does courtMAP support?

courtMAP supports the following internet browsers:

Internet Explorer is NOT Supported

The courtMAP application does not support any version of Internet Explorer (including Internet Explorer 11).

QHow do I format a case number?

Case Number Formats

Circuit Civil Case Number: 2019-12345-CA-01
Year Sequence Code Location
2019 12345 CA 01
QWhat attachments are required to schedule a hearing?

The e-Filed motion and any supporting documentation must be attached. Additional requirements depend on what you are scheduling. Confirm additional requirements on the Judge’s website. Example: Special Set Request for Hearing form may be required. 

QCan I attach a document after a hearing is scheduled?

Yes, documents may be uploaded after a hearing is scheduled.

Please Note: Only those parties on the service list at the time the hearing was scheduled will be able to attach documents after a hearing is scheduled.
QCan I attach documents if I didn’t schedule the hearing?

Yes. However, only those parties on the service list at the time the hearing is scheduled may attach documents to an existing hearing. 

QI am unable to attach documents to an existing hearing.

Only parties on the service list at the time the hearing was scheduled will be able to upload documents. Please make sure you are currently on the e-filing portal service list and email the Judicial Assistant to submit your documents. 

QI do not see the Judge/Section that I am looking for listed in the dropdown menu?

Currently, only Judges/Sections in the Circuit Civil Division, County Civil and the following Judges in the Family Division are using courtMAP:

  • Judge Scott M. Bernstein (Div. FC 28)
  • Judge Maria Elena Verde Div. FC 47)
  • Judge Victoria del Pino (Div. FC 38)
  • Judge David Young (Div. FC 12)
  • Judge Ivonne Cuesta (Div. FC 01)
  • Judge Samantha Ruiz Cohen (Div. FC 33)
  • Judge Migna Sanchez-Llorens (Div. FC 39)
  • Judge Marcia Del Rey (Div. FC 29)
  • Judge Maria Espinosa Dennis (Div. FC 07)
  • Judge Spencer Multack (Div. FC 17)
QDo I need to reschedule the hearings currently submitted via eCourtesy?

No, all hearings submitted prior to March 11 will be transferred to courtMAP.

QDo I need to create and e-File a Notice of Hearing?

Motion Calendar: Yes, when setting to a motion calendar a notice of hearing must be e-Filed by the scheduling party.

Special Set Hearing: No, when scheduling a special set hearing the system will generate and e-File a notice of hearing after the hearing is confirmed.

Trials: No, when scheduling a trial, the system will generate and e-File a trial order with notice from the Court for Calendar Call/Trial hearing after the judge signs the trial order.

QHow will I get notified if a special set request for hearing is approved?

When a special set request is approved by the Court, you will receive an email containing the details of your approved request and the e-Filed Notice Setting Special Set Hearing. The Notice Setting Special Set Hearing will be received by all parties listed on the service list in the State e-Filing Portal.

For additional information on scheduling a special set hearing please refer to the training videos on the courtMAP webpage.

QDo I need to resubmit my special set request if the judge rejected the request with additional setting instructions?

Yes. The judge may reject the amount of time requested for the hearing. If the judge rejects your special set request, you will receive an email stating the reason for rejection. If the rejection reason states additional setting instructions, you must resubmit the special set request according to the judge’s instructions. You cannot edit the original special set request.

QHow can I view an updated status of my submitted request?

You can view the status of a submission using the Workbench tab at the top of your screen. See training video for assistance. 

QCan I set an emergency motion?

No. However, courtMAP allows you submit an emergency motion for review from the Workbench\New menu. Once the judge reviews your emergency motion you will receive one of the following:

  • An email detailing a hearing date and time scheduled by the Court
  • A signed order with the Judge’s ruling. The order will be e-Filed by the Judge.
  • An email from the judge with additional instructions.
QCan I cancel a scheduled motion calendar hearing?

Yes. Only the movant may cancel by uploading the notice of cancellation to the scheduled hearing and notifying all parties.

QCan I cancel a special set hearing?

No. You must request cancellation with court with grounds. Please visit the Judge’s webpage for additional instructions.

QCan I cancel a scheduled trial?

No. You must submit a motion for continuance, agreed order for continuance, stipulation or notice of settlement with the court and notify the Judicial Assistant via email.

QI don’t see any available Motion Calendar, Special Sets or Calendar Call/Trials.

Ensure that you have selected a hearing type from the category dropdown menu. If upon selecting a hearing type you are unable to see available calendars, it it likely because the sessions are full. Please contact the assigned judge's chambers for further information regarding additional dates.


QDo I need to e-File the Proposed/Agreed Order once the Judge signs?

No. The signed order will be e-Filed by the Court once the judge electronically signs the order. 

QThe correct title to the Proposed/Agreed Order is not listed in the dropdown.

Select either

You must edit and add correct order title.

Agreed order should only be used when parties have accepted the language of the order.

Proposed order are orders on motions which have been heard and ruled upon by the Court or for which ex-parte relief is sought with supporting documents (Example: Judicial Default)

  • Agreed Order or
  • Proposed Order

courtMAP Technical Assistance

For technical assistance, please contact our courtMAP support staff.

 By Email: CMAPHelp@jud11.flcourts.org

You will be contacted by our courtMAP support staff as soon as possible.

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