Sunday, February 9, 2025
Programs and ServicesOnline ServicescourtMAPcourtMAP User Rules

courtMAP User Rules

Scheduling Requirements

  • Scheduling a hearing to be heard on motion calendar must be done electronically using courtMAP which can be found here.
  • Each motion must be separately scheduled and noticed.
  • A Notice of Hearing must be prepared and e-Filed through the State e-Filing Portal for each motion scheduled.
  • Each motion scheduled by the party shall be no more than a five- minute motion per case, so as not to encroach on the time the Court is allotting for other litigants/attorneys.
  • Should the motion require more than 5 minutes, it should be specially set.
  • If you are unable to schedule your matter on a specific date, it is likely because the docket is full. Please schedule on an alternate date.
  • All persons scheduling cases on motion calendar shall review the practices and procedures on the assigned judge’s webpage here.
  • Visit the courtMAP Video Tutorials page here.

Meet and Confer

  • The parties must use good faith efforts to resolve the issues set forth in the motion prior to the setting of a motion, coordinate the date and time of the hearing; and confirm that the hearing shall require no more than five minutes.
  • To comply with the above good faith certification, every party scheduling a motion for a uniform motion calendar hearing shall execute the following certification must be included in the body of the notice of hearing:

    I hereby certify that:
    1. the movant has conferred regarding scheduling the date of the motion with all parties;
    2. the movant has already/will confer with opposing party regarding the relief request; and
    3. the issues can be resolved on the court’s motion calendar.


  • Please refer to the judge’s webpage for instructions regarding walk-ins/add ons here.
  • Limitation on "piggy backing" a number of motions that may be heard on a single case is found on the assigned judge’s webpage here.
  • You must comply with the judge’s requirements.


The following must be electronically uploaded using courtMAP at the time of scheduling a matter for hearing on a motion calendar.

  • e-Filed Motion
  • Supporting documents (e.g., pleadings, affidavits, exhibits, submitted case law, and other hearing specific documents)

After the hearing is confirmed the serving party shall generate and e-File a Notice of Hearing and electronically upload the e-Filed Notice of Hearing via courtMAP no later than 4 business days prior to the hearing date.

e-Filed responses/reply (if necessary) shall be uploaded via courtMAP no later than 2 business days prior to the hearing.

Document Format and Loading Instructions:

  • All documents uploaded must be in PDF. format
  • All documents upload to courtMAP must be properly formatted, must include with the court case number and the name/type of documents using the following format:
    • Four-digit year followed by a hyphen with the sequential case number (e.g., 2009-01; 1991-12; 2008-123; 2007-1234; or 2009-12345)
    • Motion Title with Party Name. Note: It is important to include the party name in order to easily locate the document digitally.


    • 2010-776 [Party’s Name] Motion to Compel
    • 1999-23 Order Granting [Party’s Name] Motion for Continuance
    • 2009-5768 Memorandum of Law in Support of [Party’s Name] Motion for Sanctions;
    • 2007-4 Affidavit of [Party’s Name]
    • 2002-444 [Party’s Name] Emergency Motion to Stay Proceedings
    • 2008-3235 Caselaw Re: [Party’s Name] Tile of Motion Ex: 2008-3235 Caselaw Re: Smith’s Motion for Summary Judgment

    Additional Rules for Courtesy Copies:

    Refer to the judge’s webpage here for specific instructions as some judges require courtesy paper copies.

    One of the below submission requirements may apply:

    • Submit hard copy of all documents for hearing over 15 pages
    • Submit hard copy of all documents regardless of page length
    • No hard copy required. Submit documents electronically via courtMAP

    One of the below submission deadlines may be required:

    • 3 business days prior to hearing date
    • 5 business days prior to hearing date
    • At the hearing


    • To cancel a hearing, the scheduling party shall utilize courtMAP
    • Only the scheduling party or the court may cancel a uniform motion calendar hearing.
    • To cancel a hearing set on motion calendar, the following must be completed at least 24 hours prior to hearing date:
      • e-File a Notice of Cancellation through the State e-Filing Portal
      • Upload the Notice the Cancellation to the hearing event in courtMAP
      • Update the hearing status to “Cancelled” via courtMAP.
        Note: The e-Filing of a notice of cancellation, without also cancelling using courtMAP, is insufficient to cancel a uniform motion calendar hearing.

    Scheduling Requirements

    • Special set hearings must be electronically submitted for calendaring using courtMAP which can be found here.
    • A request for hearing must be separately submitted with each motion.
    • If a special set hearing is approved by the Court, all parties listed on the service list in the State e-Filing Portal will receive an email containing the details of your approved request.
    • The court will generate and e-File the Notice of Special Set Hearing on the motion.
    • The judge may reject the Special Set. If rejected parties must comply with rejection reason specified by the judge (e.g., resubmit request for specified time or set motion on motion calendar)
    • If you are unable to submit your request on a specific date, it is likely because the docket is full. Please schedule on an alternate date.
    • All persons submitting a special set request shall review the practices and procedures on the assigned judge’s webpage here.
    • Visit the courtMAP Video Tutorials page here.

    Meet and Confer

    • The parties must coordinate the date and time of hearing.
    • The parties must use good faith efforts to resolve the issues set forth in the motion prior to the setting of a motion and coordinate the date and time of the hearing during scheduling.
    • All parties shall be prepared to certify at the hearing that they have made a good faith effort to resolve or narrow the issues.
    • If the parties have partially resolved the issue set for hearing, they should upload an order memorializing the partial agreement to supporting documents for the scheduled hearing.
      Note: Do no upload as an agreed/proposed order.


    The following must be electronically uploaded using courtMAP at the time of scheduling a matter for hearing on a Special Set Calendar.

    • e-Filed Motion
    • Special Set Request Form – available for download on the judge’s webpage here.
    • Supporting documents (e.g., pleadings, affidavits, exhibits, submitted case law, and other hearing specific documents)

    e-Filed responses/reply (if necessary) shall be uploaded via courtMAP no later than 2 business days prior to the hearing.

    Important: If special set hearing is approved, the court will generate and e-File the Notice of Special Set Hearing on the motion.

    Document Format and Loading Instructions:

  • All documents uploaded must be in PDF. format
  • All documents upload to courtMAP must be properly formatted, must include with the court case number and the name/type of documents using the following format:
    • Four-digit year followed by a hyphen with the sequential case number (e.g., 2009-01; 1991-12; 2008-123; 2007-1234; or 2009-12345)
    • Motion Title with Party Name. Note: It is important to include the party name in order to easily locate the document digitally.


    • 2010-776 [Party’s Name] Motion to Compel
    • 1999-23 Order Granting [Party’s Name] Motion for Continuance
    • 2009-5768 Memorandum of Law in Support of [Party’s Name] Motion for Sanctions;
    • 2007-4 Affidavit of [Party’s Name]
    • 2002-444 [Party’s Name] Emergency Motion to Stay Proceedings
    • 2008-3235 Caselaw Re: [Party’s Name] Tile of Motion Ex: 2008-3235 Caselaw Re: Smith’s Motion for Summary Judgment

    Additional Rules for Courtesy Copies:

    Refer to the judge’s webpage here for specific instructions as some judges require courtesy paper copies.

    One of the below submission requirements may apply:

    • Submit hard copy of all documents for hearing over 15 pages
    • Submit hard copy of all documents regardless of page length
    • No hard copy required. Submit documents electronically via courtMAP

    One of the below submission deadlines may be required:

    • 3 business days prior to hearing date
    • 5 business days prior to hearing date
    • At the hearing


    Specially set hearings can only be cancelled by court order or stipulation. One of the following must be completed to cancel a special set hearing:

    • Submit an Agreed Order resolving the matter set via courtMAP which states the date and time of the scheduled hearing which has been resolved.
    • Submit an Agreed Order cancelling the hearing with reason for cancellation via courtMAP.
      Note: The Agreed Order may be rejected by the court and parties should plan to attend until the Court agrees to the cancellations. Parties cannot unilaterally cancel a special set by agreement.
    • When not agreed, submit a Proposed Order along with an e-Filed Motion to Cancel via courtMAP, opposing party may respond.

    If cancellation is granted, you must email a copy of the order cancelling the hearing to the JA via email at this time.

    Submission Requirements

    • Agreed/Proposed orders must be electronically submitted using courtMAP which can be found here.
    • Agreed order should only be used when parties have accepted the language of the order
    • Proposed order are orders on motions which have been heard and ruled upon by the Court or for which ex-parte relief is sought with supporting documents (Example: Judicial Default)
    • Proposed orders on contested hearings must be submitted within one (1) week of hearing unless otherwise ordered
    • If parties do not agree on the language the movant, shall gather all competing versions and submit each as a separate proposed order within 12 days of the hearing unless otherwise ordered
    • After submitting a competing order through courtMAP you must advise the court that a competing order has been submitted by emailing the judicial assistant
    • The following motions shall not be submitted as proposed orders and must be set on the judge’s motion calendar unless otherwise instructed by the assigned judge via their webpage or otherwise:
    • Motion for Writ of Possessions
    • Motion for Final Judgment
    • Motion to Reschedule Foreclosure Sale
    • Motion to Continue Trial
    • Motion to Withdraw
    • Motion to Show Cause

    Check individual judge's webpage as some judges also require:

    • Motion for Default
    • Motion for Default Final Judgment
    • All persons submitting an agreed/proposed order shall review the practices and procedures on the assigned judge's webpage here.
    • Visit the courtMAP Video Tutorials page here.


    • Type the order title when selecting the "Generic Order" option from the dropdown list and enter the order language in the text field provided.
    • To copy the order text from a Word document, highlight the document language and enter it into the text field by pressing "CTR + V" (Windows) or "Command + V"" (Mac) on your keyboard. Formatting should be preserved.
    • Do not enter the Case Style, Judge's Signature Block and the Done and Ordered language as the system will automatically add these fields to the order.


    The following must be electronically uploaded using courtMAP.

    • e-Filed Motion
    • Supporting documents (e.g., pleadings, affidavits, exhibits, submitted case law, and other hearing specific documents)

    Document Format and Loading Instructions:

  • All documents uploaded must be in PDF. format
  • All documents upload to courtMAP must be properly formatted, must include with the court case number and the name/type of documents using the following format:
    • Four-digit year followed by a hyphen with the sequential case number (e.g., 2009-01; 1991-12; 2008-123; 2007-1234; or 2009-12345)
    • Motion Title with Party Name. Note: It is important to include the party name in order to easily locate the document digitally.


    • 2010-776 [Party’s Name] Motion to Compel
    • 1999-23 Order Granting [Party’s Name] Motion for Continuance
    • 2009-5768 Memorandum of Law in Support of [Party’s Name] Motion for Sanctions;
    • 2007-4 Affidavit of [Party’s Name]
    • 2002-444 [Party’s Name] Emergency Motion to Stay Proceedings
    • 2008-3235 Caselaw Re: [Party’s Name] Tile of Motion Ex: 2008-3235 Caselaw Re: Smith’s Motion for Summary Judgment

    Additional Rules for Courtesy Copies:

    Refer to the judge’s webpage here for specific instructions as some judges require courtesy paper copies.

    Telephonic Appearance

    • Pursuant to Rule 2.530(b), Florida Rules of Judicial Administration, the judge may, upon the court's own motion or upon the written request of a party, direct that the telephone be used for a motion hearing, pretrial conference, or a status conference
    • Pursuant to Rule 2.530(c), Florida Rules of Judicial Administration, the judge may, upon the written request of a party upon reasonable notice to all other parties, permit a requesting party to participate through communication equipment in a scheduled motion hearing; Any such request must be granted, absent a showing of good cause to deny the same, where the hearing is set for not longer than 15 minutes
    • Refer to the judge's webpage here for specific submission instructions. One of the below instructions may be required:
      • Submit a proposed order through courtMAP requesting a telephonic appearance at least five (5) business days prior to hearing. If the judge uses CourtCall or another remote appearance system , you must coordinate appearance by 3:00 p.m. the day before hearing.
      • If no advanced approval is required, party must email telephone number to bailiff and opposing counsel at least 24 hours in advance.
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