* Division 02 is allowing REMOTE APPEARANCES by parties and attorneys for hearings allowable by law due to health reasons.
* The office phone lines are open and available to assist you as needed, should you have difficulty leaving a message or reaching a staff member at the 305-349-6110/6111, email at jhernandez@jud11.flcourts.org or jucarmenate@jud11.flcourts.org.
* Pro Se Litigants may refer to the following links for assistance to obtain copies from the court file and/or view case information: www.myflcourtaccess.com; www.miami-dadeclerk.com; jud11.flcourts.org
* INTERPRETERS are only provided by the Court on Domestic Violence Cases. All other matters require an official Interpreter.
* EMAILS/PHYSICAL ADDRESSES - All parties must keep their email addresses correct/updated with the Clerk's Office in writing (Notice of Designating Primary Address/Email Form) electronically filed (e-filed) to the Clerk's Office via myflcourtaccess.com.
COMPETING ORDERS: When both sides can't agree on an order - DO NOT SUBMIT IN COURTMAP FOR SIGNATURE, please submit both orders via email with letters detailing the differences to the Judicial Assistant at jhernandez@jud11.flcourts.org.
Motions for Continuance of hearings, or any other motions pertaining to hearings set before the General Magistrate or Hearing Officer must be addressed with their office. DO NOT submit any agreed orders for same to Chambers. You must contact the office of the assigned GM for further instructions.
All proposed Reports and Recommendations of the General Magistrate/Hearing Officer and proposed Orders Ratifying the Reports and Recommendations of the General Magistrate/Hearing Officer must be sent directly to the assigned General Magistrate/Hearing Officer. Do not submit same to Chambers.
Please be aware that certain items are prohibited on courthouse premises. If any listed prohibited item is detected to be in your possession when entering a court facility, you will be asked to exit the facility to secure the item elsewhere or dispose of it, before being allowed entry into the facility.